Here's what our customers have to say about Let Us Sing...
Yishar koah to its editors!
“Finally! A truly great bencher. At once thoughtful and scholarly, informative and open-minded, poetic and accessible. An emblem of Judaism as the havurah movement has sought to present it. A bencher “mit ale mayles,” Yiddish for “having every good quality you could think of.”
–Arthur Green, Rector of the Rabbinical School, Hebrew College, Newton, MA
Inviting to many kinds of families...
“This easy-to-read bencher contains lovely nongendered translations of the Hebrew, excellent explanations of many of the prayers, and alternatives to the traditional liturgy that will be inviting to many kinds of families.”
–Judith Plaskow, Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College and author of Standing Again at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective (San Francisco, 1991)
Hours and hours of pleasure and growth.
This new “bencher” is a model product of Havurah Judaism: lovely in appearance, clear but eloquent in language, true to the traditional texts but ready to depart from them when appropriate, rich with alternative models for celebration, thanks, and prayer. For those familiar with Shabbat and holiday customs, this book will offer a wonderful combination of beauty and completeness. For those who wish to learn, this book will offer hours and hours of pleasure and growth.
–Robert Goldenberg, Professor of History and Judaic Studies at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook , New York
Sure to stir hearts, awaken minds, and launch spirits.
This Bencher forges an uncommon bond between worshiper and word. The editors of L’chu N’ran’nah have (as in prior noteworthy liturgical works) set a new standard for appreciating the rich mosaic of configurations that make up today’s Jewish home (single adults, single parents, gay/lesbian couples, etc). At the same time, they balance a scholarly adherence to traditional text with appealing alternative forms of devotional expression. L’chu N’ran’nah warms a new rapport with Judaism’s blessings that is sure to stir hearts, awaken minds, and launch spirits.
—Rabbi Bill Hamilton, Cong. Kehillath Israel
“Even with all the benchers out there, L’chu N’ran’nah is both a welcome and lively addition to our Jewish traditions of blessing and song. It is aesthetically pleasing with thoughtful translations, lovely illustrations, excellent transliterations, and informative introductions to both prayers and songs. The footnotes are an added feature that provide a fount of information. Todah!”
—Ellen Band, Congregation Mishkan Tefillah, Brookline, MA
Presumes egalitarianism while treasuring a traditional legacy.
“This is a lovely and accessible compilation of rites and songs. The clear layout and line by line translation and transliteration will help users of many backgrounds find their ways. Refreshingly, this song- and blessing-book presumes egalitarianism while treasuring a traditional legacy. The thoughtful rendition of the liturgy and the range creative and progressive options will earn this book a home in many homes.”
–Rabbi Jonah C. Steinberg, Harvard University Hillel
“The birkon is magnificent. Chazaq U’varukh! It’s splendid that a commercially viable birkon is now available with traditional feelings and JR sensitivities. I suspect Reb Shlomo would have said something like “Groovy. Gevaldik!” and I daresay that Reb Zalman would think “It’s about time!”
–Rabbi Arie Chark Rector The Metivta of Ottawa
It's all great!
“We appreciate the fact that there is this beautiful bencher that has everything we are looking for, from translation to transliteration to gender-neutral vibe to the commentaries, beautiful Hebrew — it’s all great!”
–Sue Parker Gerson, CAJE Florence Melton Adult Mini-School Director & FMAMS Regional Director
This book should serve us all for many years to come.
“Our synagogue (the Germantown Jewish Centre) has been waiting to purchase a new set of “birkat books” and we were delighted when we saw “Let us Sing/L’chu N’ran’nah.” The book is beautifully produced, it stands out for its distinctive size and graphic look, four column format, thoughtful commentary and layout and gender sensitivity. Our congregation hosts multiple minyanim and this book should serve us all for many years to come. The book will be a major enhancement to our shared meals and I expect that individuals will seek it out as well for home use.”
–Rabbi Leonard Gordon, Germantown Jewish Centre